Chiropractic Treatments For Back Pain
Back pain… You wake up and it’s there. You get up from your chair and it’s there. You get out of your car and it’s there. It makes your life miserable! If you suffer from back pain, you know this is an all-too-familiar problem that can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that leaves you incapacitated.
Not only does it hurt but it steals the joy from our lives as we’re forced to pass up playing with our children and grandchildren, miss critical days from work, and become less and less active, missing out on the things we enjoy. All of which can lead to a downward spiral of weight gain, the loss of our job, and many ties ending in depression.
It can come on suddenly—from an accident, a fall, or lifting something heavy—or it can develop slowly, perhaps as the result of age-related changes to the spine.
Regardless of how back pain happens or how it feels, you know it when you have it. And chances are, if you don’t have back pain now, you will eventually. There is almost no person who is immune from having some sort of lower back pain at some point in their life.
Back pain is one of the most common ailments that plague Americans today. The lower back is the area most often affected. Acute low back pain (also called lumbago) is a common musculoskeletal disorder affecting 80% of people at some point in their lives. In the United States it is the most common cause of job-related disability, a leading contributor to missed work, and the second most common neurological ailment — only headache is more common. Conservative estimates reveal that lower back pain in the United States—including lost wages and reduced productivity, robs our society of $100 billion each and every year.
Chiropractic Care For Lower Back Pain
For long term back pain relief, many will be surprised to learn chiropractic care is the proven, most consistently effective treatment for back pain, including back pain that is a result of misalignment of the spine, herniated or bulged disc, or muscular dysfunction.
Spinal manipulation, the primary form of treatment performed by doctors of chiropractic, is not only gentle, natural, noninvasive and highly effective, has an undisputed track record for safety.
The greatest advantage chiropractic care has over all other forms of treatment for back pain is that chiropractic treats the cause of back pain rather than only treating the symptoms. In other words, almost all persistent back pain is caused by displaced vertebrae pinching on nerves, which then in turn, cause the adjacent muscles to tighten and spasm.
Chiropractic care realigns the displaced vertebrae which removes the pressure from the nerves and relaxes the surrounding muscles, thus truly eliminating the cause of the pain, with many patients feeling improvement shortly after their first chiropractic visit.
Drugs attempt to hide the pain, leaving the cause uncorrected. Heil Chiropractic has successfully treated countless people with back pain problems, by treating the cause, not the symptoms, often saving them from pain, disability, drugs and surgery.
Research also shows that by combining a variety of treatment options to address an ongoing back pain problem, patients often have more positive results than with just one treatment method alone. A multidisciplinary approach may include treatment such as physical therapy, massage therapy and chiropractic care.
To address the pain itself, the treatment plan may include may also include acupuncture, instruction in body mechanics/ergonomics and various forms of exercise. It may also include rehabilitative care to restore strength, and preventive care to keep from the condition from relapsing.
For anyone who has back pain, as well as family members, friends, who want to find out more about treatment options, contact Heil Chiropractic today at (763) 323-4855!