Massage Treatments For Pain Relief & Muscle Relaxation
Where massage therapy was once considered a luxury, people of all ages are beginning to understand the many benefits of massage, including the role it can play in overall health and well-being.
Chiropractic Massage Therapy is the rubbing and manipulating of the muscles and soft tissue. When your muscles are too tight, they put your bones out of alignment. Chiropractic massage therapy aims to relax the patient and restore balance in the musculoskeletal system. People who perform repetitive activities or live with allot of stress and tension, will frequently have vertebrae out of alignment.
Massage is offered as a powerful adjunct therapy to your treatment. When applied alongside chiropractic adjustments, it can have far-reaching benefits.
Benefits Of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy addresses a variety of health conditions, the most prevalent being stress-related tension, which, experts believe, accounts for 80%-90% of disease.
Massage has been proven beneficial in treating:
Massage has many physiological effects as well, such as:
- Increased circulation to all areas of the body. This means that more oxygen goes to the tissues, enabling them to function more efficiently
- Removal of toxins and waste products that build up in the tissues
- Reduction in recovery time from certain injuries
- Softening of the connective tissue that permeates the body, resulting in more relaxed muscles and more efficient organ function
- Breaking of the pain-tension cycle, which helps prevent muscle strains and aches
- Increased flexibility and joint mobility
Many soft tissue and Massage Therapy Techniques are often used in the course of a comprehensive chiropractic care regimen. Depending on your individual situation, we may approach your treatment using a variety of massage options to relieve your pain and get you back to health.
Contact Heil Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment at 763-323-4855.
Your massage therapist will discuss which massage will be the most beneficial to you.
Remember; just because a massage feels like a luxury doesn’t mean it is any less therapeutic. Consider massage therapy a necessary component of your health and wellness plan.
In addition to massage, spinal and extremity adjustments, we can recommend stretching and strengthening exercises to put you back on the road to good health. You will feel better, you will have more energy and you will increase your quality of life by optimizing the health of your body. You will also reduce your risk of a sport or personal injury.
Contact Heil Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment at 763-323-4855.