Best Chiropractor in Andover Minnesota | Dr. Heil Chiropractor

Health Conditions Treatable With Chiropractic

Talk To Your Chiropractor About Your Health

Here are some of the more common ailments we provide care for on a frequent basis. This allows us to provide our patients and prospective patients with information about their health condition so that they may make more informed decisions in respect to their health. Additionally, having a better grasp of what is wrong has been shown to significantly increase the outcome of your care.

Chiropractic is an alternative medical system that takes a different approach from standard medicine. The treatment options offered at our clinic are specifically designed and administered to uncover underlying health problems, relieve any current health problems, or to prevent any health problems that may develop due to a misaligned spine. It is based on these key concepts.

  • Your body has a powerful self-healing ability
  • Your body’s structure (mainly the spine) and its function are related
  • The goal of chiropractic therapy is to normalize this relationship

Whether you were injured in an auto accident, work injury, sports injury, or have recurring pain… we can help. We specialize in:

  • Arthritis
  • Auto Injuries
  • Headaches
  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Personal Injury
  • Pregnancy Care
  • Sport Injuries
  • Work Injuries
  • Whiplash and more

If you are currently suffering with a health problem, would like to find out more information about us, or have a health problem you’re not sure we can treat, contact Heil Chiropractic today at (763) 323-4855!