Headache Relief Through Chiropractic
Chiropractic Treatments For Headache Relief
Do you suffer from headaches? Chances are very good that you might. In fact, headaches are so commonplace that many people consider headaches to be a pretty normal condition that doesn’t necessarily need the attention of a healthcare professional.
More than 4% of the U.S. population suffers from frequent headaches, defined as headaches that occur at least 180 days a year. The World Health Organization includes headache among the top 10 causes of disability with an impact similar to arthritis and diabetes and worse than asthma. Needless to say, headaches have become a social and economic burden in the United States.
Although headaches are a common problem, many people would argue that the pain that results from them are anything but mundane. Anyone who has experienced an intense headache for a day or even a few hours know that it can feel like trying to navigate the world in a vise. Almost every movement you make and thought you have is excruciating. The pain of a piercing headache, especially if it doesn’t resolve quickly, can also lead to depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and other issues that can leave you feeling frustrated and helpless.
What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Many people pop a pill and hope the pain goes away or grit their teeth and try to carry on, suffering needlessly. However, we’ve been down that road a thousand times. Temporary relief, take another pill. Temporary relief, take another pill. The cycle goes on and on and we begin to wonder, “Will this ever end? Is there another way?”
What they may not understand is that, while pain killers may take care of the pain, it does nothing to address the actual cause of the headaches. There is a better alternative. You may have been overlooking a more natural treatment that for many people has offered long term relief – Chiropractic Treatments!
Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches
Chiropractors successfully treat thousands of headache sufferers every day obtain safe, effective, long-term relief from their headaches. This is because most headaches have a spinal, muscular, or habitual component which the chiropractor has been trained to identify and treat. In fact, surveys show that 10-25% of patients initiate chiropractic care for the relief of headaches.
Chiropractic has such good success in the treatment of headaches because most headaches are either soft tissue or neurological in nature. Also, a significant portion of headaches originate in the tissues of the neck. And since chiropractors focus their treatment on the soft tissues of the spine, which includes the neck, the majority of headaches can be successfully managed with appropriate chiropractic care. Best of all, chiropractic treatments consist of only safe, natural, and noninvasive therapies that focus on correcting the cause of headaches, and not simply the short-term masking of symptoms.
Chiropractic treatment for headaches has been compared with other forms of treatments and in most cases, has excelled.
Don’t suffer needlessly any longer! Headaches CAN be treated very effectively with Chiropractic treatments! If you or someone you know suffers from persistent headaches or migraines, the best thing you can do is call Heil Chiropractic today at (763) 323-4855!