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Work Injuries Chiropractic Treatments

Pain Relief & Rehabilitation After An Injury At Work

workcompWorkman’s Compensation is the classification of an injury that occurs to an employee during the course of their normal work duties. Workers’ Compensation covers any injuries that are sustained while on the job, leaving the job, or going to the job. A work-related injury can also be also any condition that is aggravated or accelerated by employment activities. As a result of the injuries, there has been an inability to doing work which was previously really enjoyed.

There is really no one particular type of injury, though the most common is lower back pain. The total annual costs of low-back pain in the United States—including lost wages and reduced productivity—are more than $100 billion.

Repetitive strain injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome are also work related injuries that we treat on a regular basis. They are also the biggest cause work absenteeism and the largest expense for companies in the workers compensation arena.

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) including carpal tunnel syndrome are also work-related injuries that we treat on a regular basis. These are “injuries of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (pressing against hard surfaces), or sustained or awkward positions”. RSIs are also known as cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive stress injuries, repetitive motion injuries or disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and occupational overuse syndromes.

Many occupations require a worker to perform the same motion dozens, hundreds or thousands of times each month. Repetitive motions often result in a cumulative type trauma. This is also known as a Gillette injury and is fully compensated as a work comp injury. Unlike falling off a ladder, an auto injury, slipping and falling, or injuries due to lifting heavy objects, the onset of this type of injury is often gradual. Injuries that occur over time can actually be much worse than a sudden fracture or other work injury. The severity of the injury is not always known right away.

Presently, the costs to businesses that employ workers at high risk to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and other Repetitive Stress Injuries is staggering. It is estimated that RSI “costs employers over $80 billion yearly.” According to the National Council of Compensation Insurance, the average compensation of a CTS victim is $33,000.00.

Other injuries that are common include: knee, hip and joint injuries, rotator cuff injuries, and a variety of back and neck sprain/strains. Due to the physical nature of their jobs and the weight of the uniforms and utility belts, many Police Officers and Firefighters suffer from back and neck sprains/strains and sciatica.

The primary goal is to get patients back into the workforce, however, never before they are actually physically prepared. It is important to receive proper care following a work injury, not only to stop the pain, but to restore the patient to comfortable and pain-free functioning. Without proper healing, it’s more likely that a work injury could later reoccur.

Chiropractic Care For Work Related Injuries

Chiropractic care continues to be one of the top treatment options for work related injuries. Research studies sponsored by over a dozen state governments have proven time and time again that chiropractic is over twice as effective at getting injured workers back to work with half the disability and at half the cost. If you are the employer, it would only make sense that you should require all injured workers to be seen by a chiropractor first.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you’re experiencing pain with injuries that compromise your ability to work, you may qualify for care under your company’s workers’ compensations policy. What many people don’t realize (and their employer may not tell them) is that chiropractors and chiropractic treatments are covered by your workers’ compensation insurance.

Employees may choose their health care provider for treatment of a work-related injury. The Minnesota workers’ compensation statutes entitle an employee to reasonable and necessary medical treatment or supplies to cure or relieve the effect of the work injury. The employer is required to furnish medical treatment including any psychological, chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, podiatric, surgical and hospital treatments necessary.

Whether it is a single adjustment or a series of treatment, your chiropractor is one of the best options to get you healing on the right path to recovering from your injury. This is the precise goal the workers’ compensation system is attempting to achieve.

Do you need to know more?  If you are suffering from a work related injury, contact Heil Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment at (763) 323-4855.